Click here to read the original letter from the Golan Family to My Olive Tree!
Make the Land Prosper and a Family’s Dream Come to Life
You have the vision to see the land of Israel flourish and prosper. You have a unique call to stand with her, seeing God’s nation fulfill her divine destiny.
To see this vision come to pass, the land must “be fruitful and multiply,” realigning it to God’s original command for humanity (Genesis 1:28).
However, you know this realignment can’t happen unless those who love Israel stand with her in this hour. While the culture is flooded with an anti-Semitic narrative, you have chosen to stand firm in the truth that…
- God’s promises of restoration and love for Israel are everlasting (Amos 9:14-15, Jeremiah 31:3)
- We are called to stand with and care for Israel (Romans 11:17-18)
- We can expect to be blessed when we stand with Israel (Genesis 12:3)
A Purpose and a Dream to be Fruitful and Multiply the Land
You have been set apart for a purpose in this season. That purpose is to fulfill the destiny and dream of Israel. And now you have an opportunity to see this dream become a reality through one family—the Golan’s.

- Meet the Golan Family
Eitan Golan and his family moved to Israel from Hungary in 1944. They survived the war and established a moshav in 1953. There, Eitan met his wife Hailia, and together had three children.
God gave the family a legacy of farming. With this legacy, Eitan and his son, Idan, are hopeful that they will see the desert flourish. They believe in God’s promise of restoration, just as you do.
Idan’s mission is to carry on the farming legacy of his father and grandfather by planting olive trees in the Negev—a dream that began before statehood in 1944 and still beats in their hearts today, three generations later.

The Land Needs Your Vision. The Golan’s Needs Your Support.
Your Support Helps the Golan Family
The Golan family shares your dream. Their call is to be the hands and feet that make your vision a reality—to make the land become “fruitful and multiply.” And they are honored to receive this call.
When your vision and the Golan family’s dream come together in the Promised Land, it creates a three-stranded cord, and prophecy is fulfilled.
The Golan Family’s Hardship
The odds have been against this family. They have undergone economic hardship because of the pandemic in 2020.
Dana, Idan’s wife, lost her business that helped women in sports and athletics. Idan continued to work a number of side jobs just to get by, but competition and slow business continued to press in. The jobs simply did not provide enough income to maintain their household and care for their young children.
All the while, they still held firm to their desire to farm the land. So, they were thrilled and honored to have an opportunity to fulfill their dream by planting olive trees in the Negev.
Your Tree Sponsorship Helps the Golan Family…
- Work hard to overcome their financial struggle from 2020
- Pass on the legacy of hope, values, and restoration to their children and grandchildren in their family farm
- Fulfill their calling, and your vision, to revive the desert lands of Israel
Your Vision and the Land
Mankind’s first responsibilities were to till the soil, subdue the earth, and take dominion. God told Adam to “be fruitful and multiply.” As a result, he and Eve would take part in the blessings of multiplication.
“Then God blessed them, and God said to them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion…’ And God said, ‘See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food.”—Genesis 1:28-29 (emphasis added)
The same principle applies to you!
When you have the vision to see the land of Israel flourish, and you act upon it, the land multiplies, and you are blessed.
Let’s Partner Together to Leave a Legacy
Here’s how…
Step 1: Sponsor your olive tree today. Due to this unique project, there are only 500 sapling trees available for sponsorship. Get yours today and plant a seed into Israel’s future.
Step 2. Activate your vision. Sponsoring a tree will activate your vision, creating a fruitful harvest that produces for generations to come.
Step 3. See your vision multiplied. Olive trees are a critical part of fulfilling prophecy. Once they are planted in Israel’s soil, they bless those who live in Israel, releasing restoration in the land!
Your Sponsorship Doesn’t Stop There…
- You and your loved one are honored.
Your tree releases blessing and honor to others. With your tree sponsorship, you can honor someone who has greatly influenced your life.
At checkout, fill in the text box with the name of the person you want to honor. This name, and yours, signifies love, respect, and solidarity with Israel.
Both your name and the name of your tributeewill be displayed on our Wall of Honor.
Can you begin to see the principle of multiplication at work with a single sponsorship?
- The Golan family is blessed.
- Their future generations are blessed.
- Your loved one is honored.
- You are honored.
Let’s come together and release the principle of multiplication in the land of Israel. God is moving in the land, don’t miss out on being a critical part of prophecy fulfilled!