Plant to Fulfill Prophecy. Plant to Restore the Land. Plant to Bless Israel.
The prophetic fulfillment for modern-day Israel’s people and land is underway. We have witnessed God regathering His people and Israel receiving its statehood back in 1948, as was promised in a number of Old Testament passages.
We’ve watched as Israel’s borders and Jewish settlements have expanded over the past 7 decades, fulfilling even more prophecy about the nation’s restoration.
Most will read these prophecies as dealing directly with the nation and people of Israel. But we must also realize that if the people are to be prosperous as God promised, their land also needs to flourish.
The Prophecy of Israel’s Land Restoration
The land impacts everything from the economy to the individual homestead. This is why the prophecy of Ezekiel 36 must be recognized, understood, and fulfilled by Believers.
The prophecy of Ezekiel 36 is spoken to the actual land of Israel. The prophet spoke of a desolate and barren land that would again be ripe and plentiful to support its inhabitants.
“Therefore, prophesy concerning the land of Israel, and say to the mountains, the hills, the rivers, and the valleys, ‘Thus says the Lord God…’ But you, O mountains of Israel, you shall shoot forth your branches and yield your fruit to My people Israel, for they are about to come.”—Ezekiel 36:6,8
Be a Part of Prophetic Fulfillment by Sponsoring an Olive Tree or Grapevine in Israel!What Opportunities do You Have to Be a Part of this Prophetic Fulfillment of Modern-Day Israel’s Land Restoration?
You pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122:6), and you understand that the people of Israel are descendants of Abraham and have biblical rights to the land (Genesis 15:18-21). Yet, there is another aspect of prophetic fulfillment we must be a part of in order for Israel to prosper and to usher in the return of our King.
Being a part of this prophetic fulfillment of modern-day Israel’s land restoration efforts may seem to be impossible. In reality, you can’t pack up your life and become a crop farmer in Israel.
Coming to the realization of this unique and specific fulfillment, and not having a way to get involved, can leave you feeling powerless.
As a Believer, you understand that you are equipped and empowered by the Lord, and therefore should always be given opportunities to activate that power on Earth as it is in Heaven so that God’s Kingdom will be manifested.
At My Olive Tree, we understand the feeling of powerlessness when it comes to fulfilling biblical prophecy because that is exactly what the enemy—who does whatever he can to stop the spread of God’s Kingdom—wants us to believe.
That’s why we want to give you a way to silence the lies of the enemy and move forward with your calling to be a part of God’s plans for prophetic fulfillment of modern-day Israel’s land restoration.
God’s Word says this specifically about the land… When the text says “you,” it is in reference to the actual land of Israel.
“But you, O mountains of Israel, you shall shoot forth your branches and yield your fruit to My people Israel, for they are about to come… and you shall be tilled and sown… and the cities shall be inhabited and the ruins rebuilt. I will multiply upon you man and beast; and they shall increase and bear young; I will make you inhabited as in former times, and do better for you than at your beginnings. Then you shall know that I am the Lord.”—Ezekiel 36:8, 9, 10, 11 (emphasis added)
When you sponsor a My Olive Tree olive tree or grapevine that will be planted in Israel, you are physically fulfilling a one-of-a-kind biblical prophecy that God specifically spelled out in scripture as a long-term solution to help His chosen people prosper!
The prophecy of Ezekiel 36 is spoken to the actual land of Israel. The prophet spoke of a desolate and barren land that would again be ripe and plentiful to support its inhabitants.
“Therefore, prophesy concerning the land of Israel, and say to the mountains, the hills, the rivers, and the valleys, ‘Thus says the Lord God…’ But you, O mountains of Israel, you shall shoot forth your branches and yield your fruit to My people Israel, for they are about to come.”—Ezekiel 36:6,8
Be a Part of Prophetic Fulfillment by Sponsoring an Olive Tree or Grapevine in Israel!How to Be a Part of Prophetic Fulfillment for Modern-Day Israel’s Land Restoration

My Olive Tree has created an easy, 3-step process that allows you to play a role in prophetic fulfillment.
1. Choose which type of olive tree or grapevine you want to plant in the land of Israel.
- Olive Tree Sapling
- 10 to 15-Year-Old Olive Tree in the King’s Valley
- 30-Year-Old Olive Tree in the King’s Valley
- Grapevine in the Negev Desert
2. Proceed to the checkout and fill out the form. You can even put the name of someone you want to honor in the “tributee” field.
3. Have your name and the name of the person you honored displayed on My Olive Tree’s Wall of Honor.
It really is that simple. Now you can finally be a part of prophetic fulfillment for modern-day Israel’s land restoration.
What Does it Mean to Sponsor an Olive Tree or Grapevine?
It means you are sponsoring a tree or grapevine in the Holy Land soil so that your cause, your voice, and your beliefs are physically tied to Israel. As a result, Israel is blessed and reaps a harvest year-after-year through the tree or grapevine you choose to sponsor. And God will bless you in return, according to Genesis 12:3.
Be a Part of Prophetic Fulfillment by Sponsoring an Olive Tree or Grapevine in Israel!The Impact You are Making with Your Tree or Grapevine Sponsorship
With the purchase of even just 1 tree, you are…
- Creating jobs for farmers and subsidiary businesses.
- Boosting Israel’s economy through bountiful and ongoing harvests.
- Declaring to the world you believe God’s promises and His Word.
- Acting as a beacon of light, hope, and peace to the nation of Israel and neighboring countries.
And Most Importantly…
Centuries ago, the Bible described how the walls of Israel will be rebuilt and the people will be given back their land (Amos 9:11-15). Strangers and foreigners not of Jewish descent will be the ones who help this prophecy become reality and cause the desert to bloom and rejoice greatly (Isaiah 35:1).You are activating the fulfillment of prophecies spoken of ancient Israel—those that only a century ago would have been hard to see—to be manifested in these last-days.
Be a Part of Prophetic Fulfillment by Sponsoring an Olive Tree or Grapevine in Israel!In less than a century, Israel has flourished to unforeseen levels. God’s timeline seems to be speeding up. Don’t let the lies of the enemy hold back the manifestation of God’s Kingdom and the ultimate reign of our Coming King.
Instead, let us build momentum together. Let the Lord multiply your efforts with ours and bring complete restoration to the people and land of Israel.
Be a Part of Prophetic Fulfillment by Sponsoring an Olive Tree or Grapevine in Israel!