Become a Part of My Olive Tree

be a part

Would you like to learn more about how you can be a part of what My Olive Tree is doing to help the land of Israel? Would you like to learn about our wall of honor, church sponsorship, or even fundraising opportunities for your community or congregation? Then join us below as we explore the many ways that you and your church can make a difference!

My Olive Tree Honors Your Support

My Olive Tree believes that honoring those who have made a significant impact on our lives is the ultimate way to give thanks—this is the reason we built our Wall of Honor.

Our names are tied to who we are—it’s how others recognize us and how we identify ourselves. Seeing your name (or the name of a loved one) in writing is such an honorable and beautiful reminder of your love for Israel.

At My Olive Tree we have three ways in which we appreciate the support of individuals and groups. One is our “Wall of Honor,” another is our “In Loving Memory,” and the third is “Commemorating.” These three can all be found at

The Wall of Honor is uniquely utilized with every sponsorship and it ties your name, and those whom you’ve honored, to the nation of Israel for the world to see. It proclaims to the nations that you publicly support Israel, not by merely giving money, but by sowing seeds that will reap a harvest for generations to come.

YOU Can Be a Part of My Olive Tree’s Legacy!

Currently, at My Olive Tree, we are planting olive trees and grapevines in Israel. These sponsorships do several things to help the people and the land of Israel… from providing jobs, to bringing hope, to planting the land to thrive, to fulfilling biblical prophecy, and even, according to the Word, causing blessings to fall upon you who give. (You can read more about what YOUR support accomplishes HERE.)

At this time, we have sponsorships to remember loved ones. To commemorate events. To remember Holocaust victims and survivors. To fulfill specific biblical prophecies. To answer the call God has placed upon His Body through the sponsoring of olive trees or grapevines. To even contributing toward the cause if you cannot afford an entire olive tree or grapevine sponsorship.

Each of these sponsorship options are uniquely important and wonderful ways to be a part of the My Olive Tree legacy of being God’s hands and feet in a land where all who believe in Him are beautifully connected.

YOUR Church Can Be Involved!

Many people skim over the promises for Israel in God’s Word. Viewing them as not applicable to the Church today.

Yet, if we read the words of Paul in Romans 11, we find a different view. We, the Church, are meant to stand alongside our Jewish brothers and sisters. We are to pray for Jerusalem. Pray for the fullness of the Jewish people to come to pass—which will be a blessing for Gentile and Jewish Believers alike, as well as physically helping and uplifting Israel—fulfilling prophecy from the books of Isaiah, Amos, and Ezekiel!

I have set watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem; they shall never hold their peace day or night. You who make mention of the Lord, do not keep silent, and give Him no rest till He establishes and till He makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth.”—Isaiah 62:6-7

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: ‘May they prosper who love you. Peace be within your walls, prosperity within your palaces.’”—Psalm 122:6-7

At My Olive Tree, not only do we actively pray for the peace of Jerusalem, but, through supporting Israel, we are acting as watchmen. We are acting as fulfillers of prophecy! Yet, it is impossible for us to do so without support…

Individual sponsors of olive trees and grapevines make up the bulk of all our support, however, the unity of churches standing with Israel has a unique importance! Not simply because of the ability of churches to provide sponsorships, but because of Scripture. Because of what Paul spoke of in Romans 11 about how we, the Gentile Believers, are grafted into Israel—the Jewish people. It is a part of the legacy and heritage of the Body of Christ to be in unity with our Jewish brothers and sisters. To bless Israel and her people, and, in turn, receive biblically promised blessings!

Yet, in this hour, where even the Body of Christ is often divided, this need for unity is even more important. Unity among God’s people is no longer optional if God’s people are to rise up and accept their inheritance in God.

When YOUR church comes together to sponsor at least two olive trees, the price of sponsorship goes down because the cost of tree transportation, planting, care, and fullness of nourishing can be spread amongst the trees. There are many levels of discounts available depending upon the number of trees sponsored, with groupings of 26 or more having our maximum discount. 

Essentially, the more trees your church sponsors, the greater your discount!

YOUR Community, Church, or Family Can Fundraise Toward Sponsorships!

During times of division it is important to find things we can come together on—be it in our community, churches, or families. Unity cannot be overrated in this hour, particularly in our faith…

Remember when the Believers and Disciples of Jesus were imparted with the Holy Spirit? 

They were not separate or divided, they were together, in unity. They were in one accord, and because of that unity and their obedience to remain in Jerusalem until the Holy Spirit was imparted to them, God moved mightily!

“When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.”—Acts 2:1-4 (emphasis added)

The enemy wants to divide people, particularly the Body of Christ, because it can bring confusion, anger, fear, and a host of other things not of God. Coming together to fundraise—be it for My Olive Tree or something else—while not an end-all answer to division, it does bring people together. It lifts up one cause, highlights one purpose, and brings those involved together to accomplish the desired goal. It brings a level of unity which God can amplify to bring His Kingdom purpose to earth.

If you would like to learn more about the importance of fundraising, its biblical ties, ways you can fundraise, the legacy of fulfilling biblical prophecy, and more, then click HERE!

If YOU would like to learn more about My Olive Tree, then click HERE!

If YOU would like to learn more about the prophetic fulfillment accomplished through YOUR sponsorships, then click HERE!

If YOU are interested in purchasing a gift, then click HERE to discover our affordable gift options or HERE to gift an olive tree or grapevine sponsorship!

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