Being Rooted in Christ


How many times do we hear people speaking of roots when referring to their family tree and their lineage? A root can mean something that is an origin, a source, the base, the underlying support or foundation, or the heart.

Just as our roots speak to each of us regarding our very existence, the root system of the olive tree is the very foundation, or the lifeblood, of its existence. Without healthy roots, there is no tree, no fruit, no next generation.

The root system of the olive tree is particularly interesting. While many other tree species send their roots deep into the ground, the olive tree attributes its resiliency to a shallow, wide-spreading root system.

This allows the olive roots to collect water from the fast-drying topsoil, ensuring that the tree gets enough moisture to sustain it in its native, arid climate.

Although the olive tree roots are found close to the surface, this tree is fascinatingly drought tolerant and can survive on minimal amounts of water for days—even weeks.

Isn’t this similar to how God calls us to bring others into His family? We are not designed to stand still—staying in our comfort zone—but to branch out, spreading far and wide and surviving on the Living Water.

We know it takes a strong foundation in Jesus to sustain our faith. The same can be said for the olive tree. It takes an established root system to provide the necessary water for the olive tree to thrive in the Negev Desert.

Being Rooted… Physically and Spiritually

Does the work of the Lord ever amaze you—how He uses physical aspects of life on earth to accomplish His will from heaven?

Why does He do this? So that we can join Him in His efforts to manifest the supernatural into the physical. Jesus left his followers with the command to “go and make disciples.” He didn’t want them to hold on to their faith and never share it.

His vision was for them to be like the olive tree… to survive on the Living Water and to spread their rooted faith far and wide. He commanded us to take action and bear fruit as a witness of His work.

Being Rooted… Prophecy

Centuries ago, the prophet Isaiah foretold of the prophetic season we now find ourselves in regarding the desert land of Israel…

How will you plant your roots? The symbolism of the olive tree runs deep within our heritage. And you have an opportunity to plant this ancient tree right in the heart of God’s land—the Holy Land.

The Lord is aligning prophecy. And He is using people like you to do it. Because of supporters like you, we have been able to plant olive groves throughout the Negev Desert, and most recently, we’ve been asked to partner with a farmer along the Gaza Strip.

What does this mean? It means the land, directly referenced in Genesis 15:18, is being planted with an everlasting spreading root system… physically and spiritually—prophetically!

God is using you, in partnership with My Olive Tree, and directly uniting your support with the efforts of the stewards and protectors of the Holy Land—the farmers and the Israeli Defense Forces. This is to fulfill His purpose for the Jewish nation!

This brings new meaning to this verse…

Through this concerted effort, you are helping to boost the local agricultural economy in that war-torn area by providing jobs through continued harvests, while at the same time blessing the farmers and Israeli Defense Forces with a tangible gift of peace.

When you sponsor a tree with My Olive Tree, your single gift will not only purchase and plant the tree but also provide for the irrigation to help establish a secure, healthy root system.

With your sponsorship, you are not merely planting a tree in the desert; you are planting a foundation of life that will truly impact the nation of Israel for generations to come—harvest after harvest—helping to fulfill Isaiah’s prophecy… the wilderness will rejoice and blossom!

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