Common Uses for Olive Oil in the Kitchen

extra virgin olive oilIn the past, we have given some examples of uncommon uses of olive oil. However, there are just as many different uses for oil within the kitchen as well. While you will get the most flavor out of your oils by using them raw as toppings or dips for your food, they can certainly also be used in cooking.

Here are a few examples of ways that people commonly use olive oil in the kitchen:

Olive oil on the stove top

However, there is another way people commonly use olive oil that is incorrect and could potentially turn dangerous (or at least damage your food), and that's using the wrong type of olive oil to saute food or sear meats. Such as our Northern Israel Olive Oil (preferred for salads and other room temperature uses) Remember: compared to other types of cooking oils, most olive oils have a relatively low smoke point. Unless you use our Southern Israel Olive Oil! This means that at temperatures lower than what you'd use when typically making those kinds of foods, the oil will begin to smoke and potentially catch fire. At the very least, you run a much greater risk of charring your food with olive oil than with other oil. So be sure to stick with the uses of oil seen above and select the correct oil for the right recipe.

For more information about how you can use our amazing extra virgin olive oil in the kitchen, please feel free to contact us today. In the mean time, place your order and enjoy some of the purest oil you will find anywhere.

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