All of Creation Eagerly Awaits

Olive tree grove at sunset

“The desert and the parched land will be glad; the wilderness will rejoice and blossom.”—Isaiah 35:1

Earlier this month Israel celebrated the festival of Tu B’Shevat, or New Year of the Trees. It’s a time of hope and renewal for Israel’s people. The celebration is all about planting trees and giving life and growth to the beautiful world that the Creator created for us!

We may think of this festival as a Jewish holiday that brings about new growth and hope for prosperity in the New Year; however, we can also look at it as celebrating God’s mysterious physical world and how creation eagerly awaits Jesus' return.

Because of man’s sin in the garden, all of creation has suffered and longed for restoration. Creation will benefit from the ultimate redemption, and is being restored now! We are in the middle of this prophetic Word today!

Though drought and death seem to be penetrating our thoughts about God’s earth, we must take a closer look at who God is and His promises. The Bible describes creation as being subject to frustration and “…creation itself being liberated from bondage and decay…” (Romans 8:21). God is faithful to restore all things to Him.

Paul’s comparison of creation to a woman in labor waiting of the birth of her child shows us that the dry and barren land we see on earth is actually making way for something beautiful within God’s restoration process! Because of Jesus’ death and resurrection, we can know God is in the business of restoration and reconciliation. Those who believe in the Messiah know they have been reconciled to God and that He will sanctify us throughout our lives and set us apart for His purpose.

God gives and restores life. At My Olive Tree there are many opportunities to see God’s beautiful earth being restored and walk alongside those who are eagerly awaiting Yeshua’s return! Please consider planting an olive tree in Israel’s Holy Land, bringing restoration to this precious Land.

Supporting Israel and her restoration will bring blessing to you and bless others also. When you sponsor an olive tree you are helping to fund humanitarian aid projects throughout Israel. You can be assured that as your tree matures from a seedling to a beautiful fruit-producing tree it will provide renewal and restoration in God’s Holy Land for many years to come.

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