Opposition to the Israeli-American Friendship… It’s Time We Battle in the Opposite Spirit

israeli american friendship

As the political stage heats up in both the United States and Israel, we must see the bigger, spiritual battle that is taking place.  

We know that Israel’s sovereignty over areas of Judea, Samaria, the Jordan Valley, the West Bank are… 

… and the American president, Donald Trump, is leading the change, supporting Israel as they move to annex 30% of the West Bank and Israeli communities within these areas.  

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu discussed the virtues of President Trump’s peace plan recently, saying, “It [Trump’s plan] makes clear that the Jewish people have a valid, legal, historic, and moral claim to Judea and Samaria. It supports Israel’s sovereignty over the Jewish communities there.” 

The Opposition 

There is a problem. There are forces of opposition, both physical and spiritual, that not only want to stop the annexation from happening and break the Israeli-American friendship that has solidified during the past 4 years of the Trump administration.  

2 Ways the Opposition is Operating 

Obviously, the process of annexation takes time. But the enemy will enact any delay he can to thwart God’s promises to Israel—from resistance to the annexation to vandalism.  

  1. Resistance to Annexation 

Throughout history, Israel has always experienced resistance from kingdoms and countries. Since her independence in 1948, the opposition has only grown. Yet, just as God said, she endures and continues to extend her borders in the face of this resistance.  

There was great hope in an annexation happening this year as President Trump’s peace plan was laid out. However, Covid-19 hit, introducing another delay.  

The Hope Ahead 

Benjamin Netanyahu reported that the annexation is “only a matter of time.” 

  1. Vandalism in the Golan Heights 

There is spiritual and physical resistance against Israel’s sovereignty in Judea and Samaria. And now another attack on the sovereignty that has already been stated.  

In 2019, President Trump recognized Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights region. Israel thanked his bold move by naming a Golan community after him, Trump Heights.  

Recently, the sign that welcomed people to the area was vandalized. Letters were bent, broken, and torn off the sign. Due to President Trump’s strong support for the annexation, it is believed the vandalism was meant to undermine the Israeli-American friendship. 

The Hope Ahead 

In honor of America’s Independence Day, the Israeli communities are fixing the sign and planting trees in the area.  

Battle in of the Opposite Spirit 

A note from My Olive Tree’s CEO, Curt Landry… 

How do we do battle in the opposite spirit? 

Actions You Can Take Today 

As mentioned above, the Israeli communities are fixing the sign and planting trees 

Our role as Believers is to partner with them in these rebuilding effortsThis is My Olive Tree’s vision—to rebuild, advance, and strengthen Israel, providing a way for Believers to be a part of their spiritual and physical restoration, fulfilling biblical prophecy! 

We were granted a grove area right near Trump Heights in the Golan region to plant olive trees last year!  

Little did we know just how prophetically and politically significant this gift and call would be until this year—until right now. Now we have a global platform to dismantle the enemy’s plans and rebuild in such a way that… 

As a nation, we have a short window of opportunity, just as Miri Maoz Ovadia said of Israel.  

With only a few months until the election, and a few trees left to fill the groves, let’s take action now.  

Here’s What to Do 

Step 1. Decide to sponsor a Golan Heights-Trump Grove tree to fulfill biblical prophecy and battle in the opposite spirit.  

There are only a few sponsorships left! 

Sponsorship options include… 

Step 2. Honor someone who greatly influenced your life. 

At checkout, you will be asked for the name of someone you want to honor—this could be Israel, President Trump, or someone you know personally.  

This name, and yours, signifies solidarity with Israel and that you choose to battle to build up and advance God’s covenant promises to His people. Both your name and the name of your tributee will be displayed on our Wall of Honor. 

Step 3: Anticipate the expansion of Israel’s borders.  

The bigger role Believers play in Israel’s restoration, the louder our voices will ring. We are in a highly charged spiritual atmosphere right now, but we can rest assured that God’s plans will prevail.  

“On the same day the Lord made a covenant with Abram, saying: 

“‘To your descendants I have given this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the River Euphrates— the Kenites, the Kenezzites, the Kadmonites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Rephaim, the Amorites, the Canaanites, the Girgashites, and the Jebusites.’”—Genesis 15:18-21 

The time to act is now. We can plant, pray, and prosper the nation of Israel—let us answer the call to this divine assignment.  

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