New Beginnings in 5778/2017

As many of you know, we are about to enter a time of the Jewish New Year—Rosh Hashanah 5778. At a time when many Believers are on a journey back to their faith’s roots, they begin to discover the spiritual significance of this new season. What does this year—this time of new beginnings—mean for you?

The Head of the Year, Rosh Hashanah, is marked by a sounding blast from the shofar. The festival is observed for two days beginning on the 1st of Tishrei. This year, we begin our celebration on the eve of September 20th. This is a time to celebrate and remember the creation of Adam and Eve—symbolizing the relationship of man and woman together with their God.

The Year 5778…

Nothing is by accident, as God’s design is perfect and intentional. This year—5778—we take a look at what these numbers represent…

As Believers, we can look forward to this year of grace, perfection, and new beginnings, as we are born-again and a new creation in Yeshua, just as the number eight represents.

Traditional Observances during Rosh Hashanah…

Though these are Jewish traditions, we as Believers, understanding our roots, viewing these customs as a beautiful picture of hope we have in the promises of God and the return of the Messiah.

Rosh Hashanah’s shofar blast is a call of repentance. This is followed by the Days of Awe, which is a 10-day period of opportunity to mend one’s way before judgment is “sealed” on Yom Kippur, according to Jewish tradition.

Tradition also holds that an action of “teshuvah, tefilah and tzedakah”—repentance, prayer and good deeds—impact the decree of freedom. This time of year is a reminder to enter the new year with pure hearts, clean hands and healed relationships.

“Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another…”—Romans 12:10

Start off the New Year with hope and love…

Decree your release of freedom and inheritance by beginning this New Year by sowing seeds of hope and love—as one who desires to lead a reconciled relationship with the Father. The Head of the Year is also an opportunity to sow seeds into the land that was promised to our spiritual forefathers. Together, we can continue to bless the people of Israel and replenish and bloom the Promised Land.

When you sponsor an olive tree you are literally putting your roots deep into the Holy Land—blessing Israel, and claiming that your inheritance will be released and returned.

We invite you to begin this Head of the Year by sowing a special gift into the nation of Israel! Please click here to learn more!

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