Private and Public Sectors… Trump Working with Each to Set Up Our Nation for Victory

public and private sectors

While many of us are watching the news, we are seeing things happen in the United States that reveal how companies, agencies, and organizations from the private and public sectors are working tirelessly together for the greater good of our nation. 

This shows the heart, perseverance, and wisdom upon which our nation was founded. We know we cannot fight this invisible enemy alone. We must work together, knowing where we are limited and knowing the areas in which we thrive. 

When each company and organization in the private and public sectors work together and with the White House administration, things move at lightning speed. 

How the Trump Administration is Working with the Private and Public Sectors

In a recent press conference, President Trump communicated the need for the nation to continue implementing social distancing guidelines through the end of April 2020. Though this may seem like a long time for some, he puts the next 30 days into perspective. 

“This [the continuation of following social distancing guidelines] is based [on the data model] that the peak fatalities will arrive in two weeks [as of March 30]. The same modeling also shows that by vigorously following, we could save 1 million lives. Think of that… One. Million. American. Lives.

“The future is in our hands. And the choices and sacrifices we make will determine the fate of this virus. And really, the fate of our victory. We will have a great victory. We have no other choice. Every one of us has a role to play in winning this war. 

“Every citizen, family, and business can make a difference in stopping the virus. This is our shared patriotic duty. Challenging times are ahead for the next 30 days… put it on the line…. So important because we have to get back. The more we dedicate ourselves today, the more quickly we will emerge on the other side of the crisis, and that’s the time we are waiting for.” [1]

These words from our president are encouraging. He was also quick to recognize what is happening in the private and public sectors that is setting up our nation for victory over this invisible enemy. 

Historic Milestones Due to Private and Public Sectors Working Together

It was reported at President Trump’s press briefing on March 30, 2020…

Alex Azar, the United States Secretary of Health and Human Services reported during the press briefing on March 30…

“… the FDA and the CDC… work to balance the need for testing on an aggressive scale with the scientific rigor that Americans can expect… unleashing the ingenuity of the private sector and our state and local leaders the centerpieces of America’s historic approach to testing.

“We would not be where we are today with the many American companies and entrepreneurs and scientists who have worked day and night to develop as of today 20 different emergency testing options…”  

The FDA recently secured more than 35 million hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine tablets from the three pharmaceutical companies for the potential treatment of the coronavirus. Those pharmaceutical companies are Teva, Sandoz, and Bayer.

Private and Public Sectors Working Together

The FDA and Abbott Laboratories

The FDA worked with Abbott labs for an approval of a molecular test for the COVID-19 virus. Abbott reports that the test can deliver positive results in as little as 5 minutes, negative results in 13 minutes, and will be a “point of care test.” This means that there will be testing available where a patient would be receiving care rather than the need for the patient to travel to another city for testing.  

At President Trump’s press briefing, it is reported that Abbott’s CEO said that usually the approval process for a point of care test would take 9 to 12 months. However, with the collaboration between the FDA, United States government, and Abbott, the process is shortened to just weeks.  

The FDA and Battelle

The FDA approved a decontamination system from Battelle

“Each Battelle CCDS Critical Care Decontamination System™ is capable of decontaminating up to 80,000 masks per day [as of March 28, 2020] at full capacity. Because it is scalable, the system is capable of processing even more pieces of personal protective equipment (PPE) each day. Battelle CCDS™ uses concentrated, vapor phase hydrogen peroxide (VPHP) and works by exposing used respirator masks to the validated concentration level for 2.5 hours to decontaminate biological contaminates, including SARS-CoV-2.

“Battelle has a fully operational system at its West Jefferson, Ohio facility that has processed test batches of previously worn PPE received from Central Ohio hospitals. Battelle is working closely with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to obtain an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) to begin processing previously worn PPE for reuse in a clinical setting.”

“For decades, Battelle has served the military in protecting troops from chemical and biological hazards. The company operates Biosafety Level 2 and 3 labs where research is performed on live viruses, including SARS-CoV-2. Battelle also has a full medical device development team that works with the FDA on a regular basis.” [2]

Private Sector, American Made Company Doing Its Part

If you watched the March 30 press briefing, you likely heard Mike Lindell speak about his company, My Pillow®, Inc.

He reported that MyPillow®, Inc., was forced to adjust to the environment we are all now living in. His company has established an internal task force and call center to help companies navigate the many issues of the pandemic. He reported that the company had dedicated 75% of its manufacturing efforts to produce cotton masks. 

Even more encouraging, Mike Lindell asked President Trump at the end of his report if he could say a few words…

God gave us grace on November 8, 2016, to change the course we were on. God had been taken out of our schools and lives. A nation had turned its back on God. I encourage you to use this time at home to get back in the Word, read your Bibles and spend time with your families. Our president gave us hope a few short months ago, we had the best economy, lowest unemployment, wages going up… it was amazing. With our great president, vice president, administration, and all great people in this great country praying daily, we will get back to a place that is stronger and safer than ever.” 

In Summary…

It is encouraging to see how the private and public sectors are working together. This cooperation sets us into a position of victory for our nation once the pandemic passes. We all have to realize we are in this together. Like President Trump stated, we all have a part in this war and an important one at that. With President Trump as our guide, we can each take our place as being the hero that overcomes this invisible enemy. 

We will, as a turned nation, be able to reign victoriously. 



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