Thank you! Your Gift Has Touched So Many.

It is with great joy that My Olive Tree prepares to celebrate yet another year of planting throughout the nation of Israel.

When we started this project we had no idea where it would lead us. Through these opportunities, we have been able to build a unique partnership with the City of Jerusalem, and the nation of Israel. However, we did not do this alone. It is only through supporters, like you, that we have been able to develop these lifelong relationships. We cannot thank you enough!

We do not take it lightly that you have chosen My Olive Tree as a place where you so graciously give your hard-earned funds.

It is a high honor to know that many of you have researched various humanitarian outreaches, and have chosen us as a safe and reliable place to sow a seed. Wow! The words, thank you just do not express the tremendous amount of gratitude we have in our hearts! We only wish that we could take each one of you with us on location.

If you could see first-hand the smiles on the faces of the IDF soldiers while they plant your trees. If you could experience their joy as we share with them that the produce from these trees will go towards supporting their needs on the army base… Or the tears that are shed by Holocaust survivors when we arrive with much-needed medical equipment and other necessities.

We at My Olive Tree often express just how much we wish that each one of you could join us as we reap so many rewards of love and gratitude from the Israeli citizens who your gifts have reached. Please know that we cannot continue this work without you! Your gifts have truly made a way for us to make a difference in the lives of so many.

And while we sit here and contemplate ALL that has been accomplished, there is still more work to be done. We have planted over 20,000 trees in the desert, but still many in Israel are in desperate need of jobs! We have provided homes for thousands of children and young adults, and yet more slip through the foster care system daily. We have delivered groceries for IDF soldier’s families who are living on shoestring budgets with many hungry mouths to feed, and yet still thousands more go without.

Friends, we need YOU now more than ever! Your generosity does not go unnoticed…

We are busily working to bridge the many gaps of humanitarian needs that the nation of Israel faces on a daily basis. More than anything, it is our heart's desire to empower those in need with the necessary jobs to meet the needs of their growing families.

There are many ways to support the work that My Olive Tree does within the nation of Israel and beyond. If you are not familiar with the work we are doing, we invite you to join us here to learn more.

Thank you again for your incredible generosity! We hope that you will continue to support the work of My Olive Tree in the nation of Israel, and beyond. For news about our recent partnership with the City of Jerusalem [CLICK HERE].

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