The Land of Israel | 100 Years Ago and Today

A beautiful sunrise over Masada fortress representing the current land of Israel.

The land of Israel one hundred plus years ago is a land we would hardly recognize. At that time it was experiencing a period of

deficiency, in part due to a lack of care… in part due to a biblical promise from God. Yet today, all of that is changing!

Join us as we explore the history of the land of Israel, learn how it changed from a wilderness to a rich, productive land, and discover how My Olive Tree is working to help bring about even greater abundance…

How the Land of Israel Once Appeared

Rabbis, Mark Twain, and many other people living a hundred or more years ago wrote about the desolate nature of the land of Israel. 

While each wrote in their own style, these are the sort of words they used to describe Israel:

These words sometimes spoke of specific things or locations—such as worthless soil—yet most spoke of the land of Israel as a whole. 

Bedouin tents were often the only dwellings seen outside of the inhabited cities, and therefore, Bedouins were the only people one was likely to meet. Tourists did travel there, such as those who traveled with Mark Twain—he was there to write about the land, which is why we have detailed records of his opinions—but typically the draw for tourists was a glimpse of biblical history. Other peoples did still live in the land of Israel, the Jews being one group found within; but populations across all groups were generally small.

From the time when Mark Twain traveled there in 1867, the land was largely unchanged until after May 14, 1948, when Israel once again became a nation. 

As a nation once more, people returned to the land, crops and trees were planted, houses were built, and previously worthless soil was made good through careful conservation and biblical prophecy! 

What Caused the Changes to the Land of Israel?

We know that careful conservation and biblical prophecy were instrumental in redeeming the land of Israel, but how? What did it look like? And is it finished, or is it still an ongoing process?

Israel is both the fulfillment of biblical prophecy and a powerhouse when it comes to inventing new ways to improve the land and the quality of life for people… even for people living around the world!

When it comes to prophecy, Ezekiel 36, Amos 9, Isaiah 35, and Isaiah 49 are all part of the prophetic legacy being realized in the land of Israel today. Certainly, the prophecies speak of the land of Israel being restored to the Jewish people—the children of Israel—but it is more than that. It is cities being rebuilt. It is a flourishing of the land, even desert lands, as everything begins to blossom. In many ways, the Scriptures prophesy that Israel would be a sort of oasis… and that is what we are seeing today!

Despite the small size of modern-day Israel…

In spite of limited resources and a small supply of drinkable water… 

Israel is thriving! 

Israel is paving the way in water desalinization, in water conservation, in cleansing of water. Israel is actively searching for and implementing new ways to increase harvests; even successfully planting and harvesting crops in the desert. Israel is even going beyond the land and working hard to research new advancements in a variety of fields ranging from medicine to natural disaster warning systems. 

All of the actions that are being taken in Israel to improve the land and wellness of her people are in their own way a fulfillment of all the biblical prophecy. Of the blessing of Israel and renewal it would undergo once the land of Israel—the Promised Land—returned to God’s people. 

Yet, God has also been using Gentiles to be a part of the restoration—having Gentiles answer the biblical call for them to be a part of covenant restoration, biblical prophecy, and the preparation for the return of Messiah!

Many Gentile Believers around the world have answered the biblical mandate to bless the land and the people of Israel. For some, this has been done through prayer, teaching, and other similar methods. Others have helped their Jewish brothers and sisters to return to the land God included as part of the covenant promise of Abraham. And still others have helped by supporting various causes or in planting new life in the land of Israel

Today we are still witnessing the manifestation of change. Of land coming to life after centuries of neglect. And of God’s Word coming to pass!

How the Israel of the Past Compares to the Israel of Today

100+ years ago, Israel was far from the beautiful nation we know today. Their few cities were less than filled. Only a limited number of farms were active. And Jerusalem, though possessing a certain level of charm even then, was lacking the restoration and care that is evident today.

In Jerusalem Rising – The City of Peace Reawakens, author Doug Hershey and adventure-travel photographer, Edden Ram, provide a beautiful glimpse into Jerusalem of the past—utilizing photographs of Jerusalem from as early as the 1840’s—and how it compares to Jerusalem of today. 

Through their use of imagery from the past and present, combined with descriptions, quotes, and biblical excerpts, Jerusalem comes alive! Allowing us a rare glimpse into prophetic fulfillment and the city upon which God has written His Name!

If you are interested in learning more about Jerusalem Rising – The City of Peace Reawakens or would like to purchase a copy, click HERE or visit the My Olive Tree online store.

Day by day, the land of Israel blossoms, preparing for the return of our King!

We are living in an extraordinary time where we are able to not only see the fulfillment of biblical prophecy, but are able to be a part of it! 

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